(866) 678-8505
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      Your concern might be complex to diagnose and may require additional equipment to pinpoint the cause. In this case, you'll receive Digital Inspection results plus a quote to perform deeper diagnostic/test procedures.
      Every car has a Repair History
      shows you its FUTURE!
      Who we are

      Your AutoTechIQ advantage

      AutoTechIQ helps car and truck owners identify problems their vehicles are having. Whether for your everyday car or small business truck, we provide proven auto repair work that has solved similar issues thousands of vehicle owners have faced.

      We recommend auto repair shops in your area based on trust, customer education, and quality of work. These shops inspect your car using a Digital Vehicle Inspection (DVI) and create a state of health report showing the issues and necessary fixes. Are you a shop that wants to be recommended? Start the process with a short 15-minute survey!

      Read More About AutotechIQ ↗︎

      We make car and truck owners confident about the right fixes.

      Millions of shop visits by car and truck owners like you allow us to extract symptoms and fixes matching your vehicle.

      Why AutoTechIQ

      Transparency is the new Trust

      AutoTechIQ's certified shops empower you to make firm decisions by disclosing your vehicle's bill of health. We make you confident about how to engage with your shop so that you never feel like a hostage again.

      • AutoTechIQ You look up typical symptoms and fixes
      • AutoTechIQ Compare them with your vehicle symptoms
      • AutoTechIQ Get a Free Vehicle Health Inspection at a shop near you
      How can we help you

      Full transparency

      Educate yourself and compare your decision with car or truck owners just like you across North America, who drive the same vehicle within the same mileage range.

      Make a confident decision and get matched up with a certified AutoTechIQ shop in your area that shares the same value.

      AutoTechIQ AutoTechIQ
      What do people say

      Testimonials from certified shops

      Owner of Frank's European Services Frank Scandura

      “Digital Vehicle Health Inspections have made our customers' lives so much easier. Regular digital education, including images and videos of their vehicle's health status give car and truck owners a true picture of what needs to be done to achieve the vehicle health they want.”