Empower Your Customer - DVI Redefined
Auto Repair Shops around the country have started to see the benefits of using a Digital Vehicle Inspection Tool (DVI). Many, though, neglect the opportunity to empower the customer. Change it today and get feedback on your DVI process.
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During the AutoTechIQ Certification process we have learned that the vast majority of service advisors use the DVI tool like a camera and leave many opportunities untapped. They are stuck in the old paper inspection process and explain the findings about the customer's vehicle during the phone call.
Since the introduction of online purchasing 10+ years ago, we consumers have figured out how to make buying decisions in our control and on our timeline. We want to buy and not be sold. Ideally, the DVI turns into a self-explanatory education—think of a Google Search on steroids tailored to our vehicle. All we need to do is approve the work proposed and ask the service advisor which work can be deferred for budget reasons. This new approach not only empowers the customer to make decisions, and the approval rate increases significantly, but it also takes less time for the service advisor to do it.

Why is AutoTechIQ important
- 1Our certified shops' ARO and Retention rate have increased
- 2Declined Job rates have decreased
Interested in finding out more about potential improvements in your DVI Process? Take this survey for feedback on your DVI Process at no cost. Become part of our community of certified shops that improve their metrics daily.
Take the surveyLower Declined Jobs, Drive up Approvals
AutoTechIQ-Certified Auto Repair Shops use Digital Vehicle Inspections to provide transparency about the state of health of their vehicles. JobViewIQ empowers your team to get higher approval rates, one declined job at a time. A monthly check-in with your trainer will keep you on track lowering the declined job rates just like the image on the right illustrates.

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