If your Acura is acting odd, take it for a DVI inspection at a trusted shop. Still, you can know the seriousness of your Acura’s problems if you understand its symptoms better. Read our Acura symptom checklist below and see if you have a similar problem.
1. Check Engine Light
Triggered by a range of issues, such as a failing oxygen sensor, loose gas cap, or catalytic converter problems.
2. Transmission Slipping or Hard Shifting
Low transmission fluid, worn clutch plates, or electronic control module issues can disrupt smooth gear changes.
3. Grinding or Squealing Brakes
Worn brake pads or rotors, or a malfunctioning caliper, can create noise and reduce braking performance.
4. Burning Oil Smell
A leaking valve cover gasket or oil dripping onto hot engine components can emit a burnt odor.
5. Overheating
A failing radiator, low coolant levels, or a malfunctioning thermostat can lead to engine overheating.
6. Rough Idle
A dirty throttle body, vacuum leaks, or faulty spark plugs disrupt the air-fuel mixture, causing inconsistent idling.
7. Excessive Engine Vibration
Broken motor mounts or engine timing issues can cause noticeable shaking during operation.
8. Power Steering Noise or Difficulty
Low fluid levels, a failing pump, or leaks in the power steering system can result in whining noises or stiff steering.
9. Hesitation or Stalling
A clogged fuel filter, failing fuel pump, or bad crankshaft position sensor can interrupt engine power delivery.
10. Reduced Fuel Efficiency
Clogged air filters, malfunctioning oxygen sensors, or poor fuel injector performance can lead to higher fuel consumption.