The coolant temperature sensor is an electronic element of the car that is located in the engine cooling system. Using the sensor, the coolant temperature in the engine cooling system is determined, then the information is transmitted to the dashboard, and the driver directly monitors the engine temperature. And also if the temperature rises above the set point, the control signal from the sensor turns on the engine cooling fan.
The main sign of a sensor malfunction is overheating of the motor. What can I say about the error on the dashboard. In addition, a breakdown of the coolant temperature sensor is indicated by an antifreeze leak, increased engine speed at idle, high fuel consumption, or poor starting of a cold engine.
The coolant temperature sensor cannot be repaired and therefore requires a complete replacement.
The first time after repair, you need to monitor the engine temperature while driving, and also monitor the cooling fan turning on.
Below are just a few examples of typical Symptoms and Fixes your car might be experiencing
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Below you can find information about other fixes