1. Fuel Injection Problems
2. Ignition System Problems
3. Emissions
4. Reduced fuel consumption
Fuel injection, ignition, and emissions diagnostics is the process of identifying faults or abnormalities in the operation of these vehicle systems. Each of them plays an important role in ensuring efficient engine operation, fuel economy, and minimizing harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Fuel injection, ignition, and emissions diagnostics make the vehicle safe, economical, and environmentally friendly.
Below are just a few examples of typical Symptoms and Fixes your car might be experiencing
The squeaking is caused by stuck partiallyapplied brakes or wornout brake linings The linings are de...
A humming noise from the car can have different origins its typically frictionrelated and has a larg...
The cause for no noise when starting the engine is usually a dead battery However it can also be a f...
Below you can find information about other fixes