
Tie Rod Replacement

Tie Rod with information about the need for replacement

Replacement of steering rods is required in the following cases:

  • Reduced vibrations in the steering wheel: Worn steering rods transmit vibrations to the steering wheel, impairing driving comfort. Replacing the linkage eliminates these vibrations, providing smooth handling
  • Noises when turning the steering wheel: You hear knocking, squeaking, or other unusual noises when turning the steering wheel, often due to worn or damaged tie rods.
  • Uneven tire wear: When inspecting your tires, you will notice uneven tread wear, which may be a sign of poor wheel geometry due to worn tie rods.
  • Difficulty steering: If your car pulls to one side or becomes unstable on the road, it may be due to problems with your steering linkages.
  • Visual Damage: When inspecting the tie rods, visible damage such as cracks, tears, or corrosion is found.
  • Increased vehicle mileage: After a certain mileage recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, tie rods may require replacement due to normal wear and tear.

Timely replacement of tie rods is important to maintain the overall condition of the vehicle, improve driving safety and comfort, and reduce future repair costs.

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