Valve Body replacement solves a wide range of problems associated with the operation of an automatic transmission (AT). The Valve Body is the central unit that controls the flow of transmission fluid to activate gears. Its malfunctions can cause various failures in the operation of the transmission.
Below are just a few examples of typical Symptoms and Fixes your car might be experiencing
The yellow check engine light commonly warns that the engine releases more emissions than expected o...
The engine temperature warning light basically says ldquoWersquore overheatingrdquo Commonly the car...
If the brake light is constantly on the dashboard the brake sensor might be faulty But if the vehicl...
The battery light is probably warning you the battery is weak meaning its voltage is lower than it s...
The tire pressure light warns about a tirekindaemptyat least 25 below proper air a flat tire or brok...
The ABS and traction control lights are likely on due to driving on slippery terrain indicating a mo...
The oil pressure light indicates your carrsquos oil isnrsquot flowing properly This can happen becau...
The power steering light commonly warns about the loss of hydraulic or electric steering assist if h...
Below you can find information about other fixes